Leader Guide


  • If possible, play this game outside or on a carpeted floor so children will not slip on spilled water
  • Water
  • Four large buckets, pots, plastic containers, or tubs—wide enough at the top to scoop out water with a cup, and short enough for children to touch the bottom  
  • One small unbreakable cup for each child, plus extras
  • Beach towels, bed sheets, or newsprint to stretch along the relay line to catch spills, if playing indoors
  • Several towels to put under buckets and to wipe up spills, if playing indoors
  • Assistants to help wipe up any spills
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Put the same amount of water in two containers, then place them several feet apart on the ground outside or on towels on the floor inside.

Place the two empty containers about 15 to 20 feet from the other containers, on towels if playing inside.

If playing indoors, stretch towels, bed sheets, or newsprint along the relay line to catch spills. 

Note: If you prefer to play a game without water, see the Matching Game in the Additional Activities section of this lesson.

Let’s find out who can answer our bonus question! Did the waters of the flood only come from the sky? No, the water also came from underground, from the earth.

We are going to play a game about God’s covenant or promise He made when the waters went down and Noah’s family walked out of the ark onto dry land. 

Read Genesis 8:3–4 (cev):

For one hundred fifty days the water slowly went down. Then on the seventeenth day of the seventh month of the year, the boat came to rest somewhere in the Ararat mountains.

This is significant because the waters covered the earth—never before had this happened! And we know from God’s promise in our SuperVerse, it will never happen again! 

In our game, we are going to lower the flood waters as it said in the verse—the water slowly went down. In each container is flood water. Your teams will race to see who can empty their bucket of flood water first.

The first team that lowers all of its flood water—and fills up its empty bucket—wins.

Divide the class into two teams. Teams do not need to be exactly equal. Have each team stand in a line stretching from one bucket to the other, and give each child an unbreakable cup. Start the game. The first player scoops a cup of the flood water and carefully pours it into the next player’s cup. The water continues to be poured from one player’s cup to the next until the last player pours it into the empty bucket. The first player may scoop another cup of water as soon as the cup has been emptied to keep the relay going continuously until the water in the first bucket is gone.

Keep a towel handy to quickly wipe up any water spills, if on a hard surface, to reduce slipping hazard. You may ask an assistant to be in charge of this.  

Conclusion: That was the last time Earth experienced a flood over its entire surface at the same time. God’s promise to Noah has never been broken, and it never will be because God always keeps His promises! Let’s learn some more about God’s promises and how the story of Noah pointed to Jesus Christ!