Leader Guide


  • Three Ark Signpost Patterns, one copy of each in color or black and white
  • Three sheets of cardstock to make Signpost Patterns
  • Tape 
  • Rainbow Promise Pattern for children who missed the previous lessons  
  • Completed Rainbow Promise craft from Lesson 1
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Copy the Ark Signpost Pattern in color or black and white onto cardstock, if possible.

Follow the instructions on the Ark Signpost Pattern to cut out and tape the door to the ark.

Tape the three Signpost Patterns on the wall.   

Copy the Rainbow Promise Pattern for any children who missed the previous lessons.

Have a different child lift the ark door of each Signpost pattern in order, then discuss the information below. Additional material is included for Grades 4–6 to look up and discuss.

Today, we are going to discuss the Signposts we saw in our video about how events in Noah’s life point to Jesus.

Signpost 1 Like Noah’s Day

Jesus told His disciples that when He returned to Earth again, it would be like the days of Noah. What does that mean?

Sadly, it means that sin and wickedness would be found everywhere in the world. Life today is like that. What does God want our lives to be like?

He doesn’t want us to sin; instead we should be perfect. Yet the Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. That means everyone deserves His punishment! Do we have any hope?           


Matthew 24:37:

"When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day.”

Romans 3:23:

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.

Signpost 2 Our Hope and the Ark

God spared Noah and his family from the flood because he was found to be righteous in God’s eyes. Noah walked in fellowship with God. That means he had a close relationship with God.

There is very good news for us, also! We can walk closely with God, too! We become holy and righteous not by any goodness of our own, but by following Jesus! If we trust in Jesus as our Savior, ask Him to forgive our sins, and follow Him as our Lord, God sees us as righteous. When we give our lives to Jesus, it is like walking into the ark—Jesus is our salvation!

The ark was built so it would not tip over or sink. It was strong and sealed so it was waterproof; it protected all who were in it, even if waves crashed against it!

Jesus taught that those who follow His teachings are like someone who builds their house on a rock. The waves will crash and the wind will blow, but the house will remain safe!

The only way to enter the ark was through one door, and it was sealed shut by God after Noah’s family entered. In the same way, Jesus is the only doorway to God! We are also sealed with the Holy Spirit to keep us protected until we go to heaven.


John 8:12 (cev):

Once again Jesus spoke to the people. This time He said, “I am the light for the world! Follow Me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.”

2 Timothy 4:18 (cev):

The Lord will always keep me from being harmed by evil, and He will bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. Praise Him forever and ever! Amen.

2 Corinthians 1:22 (nkjv): God,

Who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.

Matthew 7:24–25:

24“Anyone who listens to My teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.”

John 14:6:

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.”

Signpost 3 Never Again

Noah had faith in God and was saved. God made a promise to Noah after his family and the animals came out of the ark onto dry land. What did God promise?

We also have a promise from God about our faith in Jesus. God promised that if we declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that He rose from the dead, we will be saved.   

The water covering everything reminds us of baptism. We are lowered into the water and rise back up, cleansed with a clear conscience and become a new creature in Christ with the promise of salvation through His work. Jesus has returned to heaven and has all authority over heaven and Earth. We are kept safe by His power and sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day we live with Him in heaven forever!  

Yes, we have seen how the ark and flood are Signposts to our safety and salvation in Jesus. 


Romans 10:9:

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Genesis 9:11:

“Yes, I am confirming My covenant with you. Never again will floodwaters kill all living creatures; never again will a flood destroy the earth.”

1 Peter 3:21–22:

21 And that water is a picture of baptism, which now saves you, not by removing dirt from your body, but as a response to God from a clean conscience. It is effective because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 22 Now Christ has gone to heaven. He is seated in the place of honor next to God, and all the angels and authorities and powers accept His authority.

God has many promises in the Bible that have stood for thousands of years and are still true today. Let’s take a look at some more of God’s promises with our Rainbow Promises in our Discipleship Challenge.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Hand out Rainbow Promise Patterns to any child not present for the previous lessons on Noah. Have them assemble their craft at home using the instructions provided. Display the model you made before class for them to see. Explain that they should work on memorizing and praying the promises at home. Ask if anyone would like to share a way they trusted in God’s promises since the last lesson.